

Trustee, George White, who attended the Outreach Conference in North America shares his reflection here. In the weeks since his return he offers further reflection:

In the weeks since the Outreach conference and my return to the UK, I have been able to reflect more on the companionship and develop these relationships. Despite the 5 hour time differences, I’ve been able to catch up with educators in Canada and various states of the USA to explore how we might work with other LGBT+ Christian international organisations to raise awareness through storytelling, develop good practice in education, medical, and religious settings to safeguard and empower those who have faith used against their identity. 

In addition, after hearing about the work Father Andrea Conocchia who arranges for a local group of trans women to meet with the Pope and share their stories, there is conversation that our small group of 5 international trans men with a sense of vocation may also be able to visit with him and share our stories. This conversation and all those already happening were precisely the purpose of the conference and show just how far LGBT+ Catholic ministry has gone under the papacy of Pope Francis.