Meet the Team
OneBodyOneFaith is a registered charity (number 1048842), and a company limited by guarantee (number 3092197). This means that we're accountable to our members, to the Charity Commissioners and to the general public. In order to fulfil these responsibilities, we work within a set of governing documents, agreed with the Charity Commission. Our members are at the heart of everything we do, and have been since we were established in 1976, as the Gay Christian Movement.
The trustees are responsible for the direction of the charity's work, which is managed on a day to day basis by the Chief Executive Officer, and he and the board meet regularly. Our accounts are independently examined and published annually – so that you can be confident that any donations you make to are work are spent carefully, and in ways which directly support OneBodyOneFaith's mission and vision.
You can find out more about OneBodyOneFaith's governance from our page on the Charity Commission website, including information about the members of our Board of Trustees.
Our Chief Executive Officer is Luke Dowding. You can read more about his appointment here. Andrea King is Director of Strategy and Safeguarding. Fr. Lee Taylor is Chaplian to Rhythm and Member Care.
You can find out more about our Trustees via the links below:
The Revd. Mark Rowland (Co-Chair)
The Revd. Jarel Robinson-Brown (Co-Chair)
David Owen (Treasurer)
The Revd. Jo Winn-Smith
Lisa-Jayne Lewis
The Revd. Pam Davies
Hannah Brock Womack
Adélard Kananira
George White
Find out about our Patrons here.