Membership Survey

For almost 50 years our members have been there for us, as the GCM, LGCM and as OneBodyOneFaith. As a membership organisation the support of our members has been crucial to the success we’ve had in moving the agenda forward and in being able to be the mature, challenging and joyful voice that we are today. Our monthly newsletter hopefully gives you a sense of what we’ve been able to achieve because of your financial giving, your prayers and your other support for the work we are all involved in.
As you’ve been there for us, so we want to be there for you. We want to know how we can further support you as LGBT+ Christians. The Membership Survey that we’re running during LGBT+ History Month is our way of asking you what it is you’d like out of your membership.
We’ll also be asking those who have been members and those who engage with us and support us in different ways than being members.
The survey will run until the end of February, so there’s plenty of time for you to reflect and let us know. And if it’s something you’d like to chat through then please drop Fr Lee Taylor a line on
Members Survey - for current members
Lasped Members Survey - for those who have previously been members
Supporters Survey - for those who are interested in our work, follow us on socials or, donate to pur work