Ordination News!

Our mission at OneBodyOneFaith is to enable LGBT+ Christians to thrive, not just survive. Since our founding in 1976 we have contributed to and often led the charge on change that affirms and celebrates LGBT+ people across church traditions and denominations in the UK, and in recent years, around the world.
Much of our ministry involves us asking the hard questions, speaking from the place of the “critical friend”, and walking alongside LGBT+ Christians who have almost lost all hope. Our volunteers and staff team have not been immune to this personally and have faced their own struggles for liberation and affirmation.
It is therefore truly joyful that we can share news worthy of celebration and thanksgiving. Through the dynamic work of the Spirit, creating new relationships and partnerships, and pushing for a future in which Christ’s church is liberated from oppressive doctrine and harmful practice, both Andrea King (Director of Safeguarding and Strategy) and Luke Dowding (Chief Executive Officer) have been called to be ordained as Ministers in a service at First Baptist Church Halifax, and credentialed through the Canadian Association for Baptist Freedoms.
The CABF is a Canada-wide fellowship composed of both individuals and Churches. They are Baptists freely seeking, living, sharing and celebrating justice, peace and love under the lordship of Christ. They encourage and support churches, pastors, and other individuals to understand and affirm Baptist freedoms as they express their faith. This recognition of their individual ministries is the next step in their journey with both the CABF and FBC Halifax over several years. It also follows their individual ministerial formation at Regent’s and Spurgeon’s respectively, and their efforts in ministries such as Creating Sanctuary, Affirm, and OneBodyOneFaith.
This is the first international ordination and credentialing for the CABF, who not long ago ordained and credentialed their first openly LGBTQ+ minister. Both the Chair of the credentialing committee, Revd Dr Rusty Edwards, and members of the ordination council, which included both Co-Principal of Northern Baptist College, Revd Dr Clara Rushbrook and former General Secretary of the Baptist Missionary Society, Revd. David Kerrigan, spoke of the significance of this prophetic act – creating a future in which those who are called and recognised to serve in Baptist ministry are not barred on grounds of their sexuality, relationship status, or gender identity.
Through our collaborative efforts since 2019, we have been praying for and nurturing in to being a progressive global network of Baptists. The CABF have played a vital role in this, with Revd Dr Rusty Edwards taking a significant and deeply valued lead. These ordinations are not only profoundly important for both Andrea and Luke, after years of exclusion from their home tradition and with no public recognition of their call to ministry, but also as a prophetic act for global Baptists and many others who experience isolation at harm from their tradition and denomination.
At this time, neither Andrea nor Luke will be relocating to Canada, but will continue their individual ministries and work to nurture and grow this unique and dynamic relationship with the CABF.
We ask that you join us in prayer on this significant occasion, and invite you to join us either at First Baptist Church Halifax or online on the 27th October 2024 at 2pm AST / 5pm GMT / 6pm CET. More details on how to join online will be made available in the coming weeks and at specific request.
Please pray for Andrea, Luke, their families, wider ministries, the fellowship of First Baptist Church Halifax, and the Canadian Association for Baptist Freedoms.
Any queries or press in Canada/North America ought to be direct to: rustyedwards@fbchalifax.ca, and in the UK/Europe to: luke@onebodyonefaith.org.uk.